Social Science 

Sociology 1010

SOC_1010_Sexual_Abuse_Paper.docx SOC_1010_Sexual_Abuse_Paper.docx
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Reflective Writing-

This class has really taught me a lot on how we as humans affect the world, and that society has an influence on us as well. While writing this paper with my group it really made me put the Theoretical Perspectives into view and see that It isn't just the humans fault for what they do. So many things lead to problems that we are still learning about today. I never looked at sexual abuse as anything but the abusers fault, but through this paper it made me realize that society has a lot to do with sexual abuse and what society then thinks of victims and abusers after the abuse takes place. 

When writing this paper we were told to look at every aspect, good and bad of each theory. At first I thought that was nearly impossible, what good could come from sexual abuse? But as we looked deeper into this topic as a group, we were able to see how this act effects everyone in society, whether they were apart of it or not. Good things can come from bad experiences, and this paper really made me realize that.

Without the opportunity to be in this class and learn about theories we apply to everyday activities and the roles that e have in society, I never would have changed my perspective of things. This class has given me the ability to look at things from every angle whether it's from your perspective or someone who thinks the complete opposite of you. Both views are valid and have reasoning as to why you feel a certain way, it all depends on how you see yourself and how society sees you. This class has taught me that every person is different and we all have a different role to play within the places we live and our within our cultures. Without us, society wouldn't be how it is today, but without society, we wouldn't be how we are today either. 

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