Fine Arts

Music 1010

Robert Alexander Schumann.docx Robert Alexander Schumann.docx
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Reflective Writing- 

I chose to use my Term Paper on Robert Alexander Schumann as my eportfolio assignment because I feel like it helped me learn the most from this class and shows my ability to write a research paper. Music 1010 was a class I thought I wouldn't like. I'm not good with music or any fine arts classes, but my professor for this course really made it so anyone could learn the material and recognize it in any genre of music. I feel like through this paper on a classical composer I was opened up to a whole new sort of music, yeah we've all heard classical music but most of us haven't take the time to really listen and analyze the importance any note can play in a song. While writing this paper I was able to listen to Robert Alexander Schumann's music, most of which I had never heard before, and while it may have been totally different from what we listen to today it was still art, and fabulous music. And while listening I was able to pick apart things that we learned in class. Including pitch, texture, form and even the mood that we have been taught to listen to. Overall, this class was not what I expected it to be, I had no idea the amount of knowledge that I would take away from this course and the effect it has on any sort of music I hear now, from commercials, movies, soundtracks and just the radio. I really enjoyed my time in this class and the projects we did to help us expand our musical knowledge, which included the attached research paper above.

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