Quantitative Literacy

Math 1010 


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 Reflective Writing- 

A mini reflection is posted in the document but posted below as well.

This project definitely made me look at math in a new perspective, when first reading the problem it was really confusing as to how we would find these out with different formulas. But as you started realizing the formulas and how they fit together the answers just started looking normal, and when comparing them to the end result it became easy to see how you need the math skills when trying to figure out real life scenarios. The graphing portion of this assignment really helped to lie out the common points, and to help you see where your end result should be between the intersections. I was able to compare my graph to my answer and used that as a way to check my work. Now when I look at formulas like we created at the start of the project, I know that it won’t just stay a formula, you can put realistic numbers in that will help you solve a problem even if you aren’t in a math career.

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