
Finance 1050

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Reflective Writing- 

Over the course of this class I learned many things that will be useful for the rest of my life. Learning how to manage your finances is in fact a big factor of growing up and becoming independent. This class taught me how to do my own taxes, balance check books, make financial goals and how to "shop for banks." Throughout all of these lessons there was at least one principle in the chapter. Whether it was to pay yourself first, or to the time value of money. All of the 15 principles had a valid point that everyone should learn when starting off on your own. 

This class prepares you for what you will face in the future such as debt, taxes, IRS, and retirement. It also teaches you how important it is to get started saving money at a young age because you never know when you will need a significant amount of money that you may not have at hand at the time. These 15 principles are something that everyone should learn once in their life because they are the key to making your financial goals a lot more manageable in the future.

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