American Institutions

Economic History of U.S 1740

John Maynard Keynes.docx John Maynard Keynes.docx
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Reflective Writing-

 When I signed up for this class i honestly had no idea even what Economics was. I took it because it counted for AI credit and it was only one day a week. Little did I prepare myself for a 4 1/2 hour class it became actually bearable. My teacher was excellent at teaching us the information, letting us have time to walk around and do activities and get a significant amount of course material learned through the short summer. When it came time for the tests I was worried I hadn't actually learned the information well enough, much to my surprise I was able to recall most of what we had been taught in class and what we saw in the Commanding Heights video we watched each class.

I definitely don't regret taking this class. I really have learned a lot about what economists are and what they study, and how much their job actually plays a role in our future economy. From this class I was able to recognize patterns over the years, some which we have not learned from and others that we have completely avoided because of what economists have showed us over the years. 

Writing this paper on John Maynard Keynes, one of the most noted economists of his time really opened my eyes to the type of people economists are, they stick up for their beliefs despite the criticism and Keynes' theories helped us through some of the most vital down points in American History. Overall I really enjoyed taking this class and broadening my history knowledge into the economic world. 

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